Friday, September 29, 2017

Recent Books Read

Mike and Maxine:  Whither Thou Goest..: Two Alzheimer's Journeys by Jan Fielder Ziegler

from Amazon's description:  First Mike. Then Maxine. The inspiring story of the heartrending descent of this husband and wife into the abyss of Alzheimer’s unfolds in a series of poignant interrelated essays. A moving personal story of their family recorded by their daughter Jan over a period of a quarter of century as they journeyed together on a struggle that is simultaneously universal but uniquely theirs.

Finding God in the Waves:  How I Lost My Faith And Found It Again Through Science by Mike McHargue

from Goodreads description:  From the host of the popular podcasts, The Liturgists Podcast and Ask Science Mike, a story of having faith, losing it, and finding it again through science—revealing how the latest in neuroscience, physics, and biology help us understand God, faith, and ourselves.

Stars Beneath Us:  Finding God in the Evolving Cosmos by Paul Wallace

From the blurb by Barnes and Noble:  Stars Beneath Us brilliantly shows God's presence in the ever-evolving cosmos. Relying on his upbringing as a Baptist, his doctoral work in experimental nuclear physics and gamma-ray astronomy, and his ordination to the gospel ministry, Paul Wallace weaves a book unlike any other in faith-and-science literature. 

The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemigway

A classic I finally read

How to Meditate: A Practical Guide to Making Friends with you Mind  Pema Chodron 

Been meditating for a year and a half now.  While I don't do it everyday, it is now a habit.

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