Monday, June 25, 2007

William James and Doubt - It's a Good Thing

"This review not only clearly records James's impatience with determinism but shows his new agility - which owes much to Renouvier in particular - in turning pejorative terms into positive concepts. 'Doubt itself is an active state,' says James, and he quotes Renouvier for support: 'The radical sign of will, the essential mark of that achieved development which makes man capable of speculating on all things and raises him to his dignity of an independent and autonomous being, is the possibility of doubt.' "

from page 177 ch 27 The Trouble with Herbert Spencer of "William James: In the Maelstrom of American Modernism" by R. D. Richardson.

So it seems that doubt is a path to knowledge and progress.

1 comment:

SteveA said...

Why thanks Bill! This past weekend we visited my grandmother for her 90th birthday. Am with my wife's family now.

The best to you too.


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