Saturday, August 27, 2005

Thoughts about change

I well recall thinking back in the nineteen seventies and eighties, that the generation of my great-grandparents saw more technological change than any previous generation. For instance, a great grandfather was born in 1874, before the light bulb, telephone, cars, planes, and musical recording entered the scene. He lived to 1972; so, he lived to see all those things and even the moon landings. I wish I could have asked him what he thought about it all.

I used to think that I was born after it all happened. That I was living in the modern world and was used to change. The older folks, I thought, had a trouble with change. They had trouble with new technology and with old habits, like racism for instance.

I now realize that things have changed quite a bit in my lifetime. The ubiquity of personal computers, the internet, the changing political scene, the work a day world. I realize that I have trouble changing and adapting. A person tends to think, mostly subconsciously, that the way the world was when they were ten years old is the way things oughta be. Well the world has changed a great deal since 1960 when I was ten. We are not going to go back there. Wouldn't want us to.

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