Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Scientists of Other Faiths and No Faith

Interesting and beautiful sentiment expressed in this quote by Stacy Transacos in an interview over at the Biologos website.

When I worked as a scientist, I collaborated with people in labs around the world, many of whom I never met face to face and most of whom were people of other faiths or no faith. That’s the beautiful thing about science. It can unite us like a good meal can unite diverse people around a table. 
I feel the same way.  I've always enjoyed meeting other scientists and engineers from here and abroad.  Am thankful for the people I've met and from whom I've learned.

See more at: http://biologos.org/blogs/brad-kramer-the-evolving-evangelical/science-on-the-wings-of-faith-an-interview-with-stacy-trasancos#sthash.Mz60HCBw.dpuf

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